May 01, 2009 13:49
There is this awful article on the front page of the Buffalo News today about a 2 year old boy who was run over in his own driveway by his mother. His grandmother was watching him and the mother was coming home. They were outside and he ran in front of the car before the grandmother could react and the mother couldn't see him.
Now, I always stay away from the News paper and news in general for this very reason., but of course the Debbie Downer chick at my work just had to tell me about it. I'm sure to make my stomach turn too, as she knows I have a toddler. The thought of this just freaks me out soooo badly. How awful all around. I can't even imagine. UGGH! I'm doing my best to keep it out of my head. Well then I'm driving home for lunch today and of course I see Bode playing in the driveway with my MIL. I stopped in the street until she held his hand. When I got out of the car... I was about to mention that I'd heard and she was like, "Don't even say it". She knew what I was going to talk about and she had already discussed it with my BIL who stopped by. They both apparently said they'd kill themselves if that ever happened with Bode. I would too.
Okay that's enough depressing talk.
Although not much else great is happening. Bode is getting a little sick. He's been sniffling the last day and today he's added a cough and seems to have a low grade fever. He's acting like his usual cheerful self though. I have a playdate planned at the Zoo tomorrow and I'm hoping he's doing better so we can still go. I'm not paranoid or anything but it's kind of a bummer.
I started some shorties for Bode last night. I only have the ribbing for the waist done so far and I think I might pull apart the last rows after I did the eyelet row- cause it doesn't look quite right to me. It'd be better to fix it now then get farther and then decide I want to re-do it. I'm happy I finally started it though and I'm wondering how I'll do with the short rows and the kitchner stitch. This will be my first pair since I've only made the punk knitters soaker for him before. I have the LTK picky pants pattern.
I'm happy it's the weekend and although the day started off kind of dreary looking outside... it's quite sunny and nice looking out now.