Bode has a huge mop top. Really he looks like the lost Beatle! It was getting a bit out of control and as much as I love a longer hair style on little boys....something had to be done about it. It was hanging in his eyes and I couldn't have a conversation with my mom, MIL, or Sally without them mentioning (causually- of course) that he needs a hair cut. Plus Danny was threatening to take him to the barber and I'm afraid of the outcome of that. Last time we took him for a hair cut it cost us $20, he screamed the entire time, and although the hair dresser said she'd give him a longer classic boys cut- she hacked it all off way too short. So, I decided to take the shears into my own hands last night.
I thought Bode was going to flip out. I trimmed his bangs 2 months ago and he HATED it. I got him out of his bath and gave him some toys to play with and at first he was crying when he saw the scissors, but after I made the first snip I said, "See, it doesn't hurt at all." Then he calmed down and in fact thought that his hair that was falling as I cut it was quite interesting. It came out okay, it's decent and doesn't look too hacked up. I'd still like to let it get longer, but I'm not quite sure how to do that without putting a barret in his hair to keep it out of his face until it grows long enough to stay back. Plus if I just cut the bangs and let the rest get longer won't it just look kind of mulletish? I need to google some cute boys hairstyles I think. Anyhow here's a few pics of him before and after.
This is a fun bath time one... but you can see how long his hair is extending-in fact the tip actually got cut off
Not the best pic- but you can see how it's hanging in his eyes
Bode making a crazy face to go with his crazy hair. I attempted to use some pliable styling wax to keep it parted and out of his face without making his hair all shellacked and sticky- but after a few minutes of play this is what happened
Here's the new do! I couldn't get him to smile at all - he was pissed that I was taking pictures and making him wait for story time.