Oct 06, 2005 22:49
my birthday is tuesday the 11th and i know everyone is trying to figure out what to get me. but dont worry guys, ive compiled a list to make your hours of agonizing over the "perfect gift" easier. i know everyone has tons of money to spend as well, so i havent put a price limit on my wish list. here it is:
-sex, drugs, and rock'n roll (that one should be easy)
-new p.j.s
- sex and the city, season 3
-sex and the city, season six part 1
- the inside of my car cleaned well (john threw up in it a few weeks ago, and it still smells kind of bad)
- the outside of my car cleaned
- a weiner dog puppy
- lots and lots of white russians (its that time again)
- a new bag
- new jeans
- new shirts
- new clothes in general
- an awesome bike
- an awesome scooter
so here a few ideas. please, feel free to add to any one of them as you see fit. ill see you bitched tuesday night.