(no subject)

Dec 27, 2018 14:07

The year is on its last few legs, and things are looking okay. Will be glad as usual, to see the last of 2018 and hoping that 2019 will be a better year. I just have to find some money to tide me over for the first three weeks of January. *deep breath*

It's been an interesting year. Good things outweigh the bad, which is a blessing. I learned a few useful things along the way, as well. I discovered a few strange things as well, most of them to do with life on the Internet. One thing for sure...Facebook has been relegated to the sidelines of my online life. Twitter and Instagram are just fine for me.

My Christmas birthday was spent quietly at home. Goodness knows, I was out often enough completing the Christmas novena, otherwise known as the Misa de Gallo/Simbang Gabi. Usually held at dawn on the morning of the 16th, there is what is called the Anticipated Mass series that starts on the day before, late in the evening. That is the one I attended, so as to catch up on sleep and have time to also catch office/banking hours before the Mass. Am happy to say that I have completed said novena, capped by the Anticipated Christmas Eve Mass.

A new puss has found his way to my house. Gold and white, he has the earmark of a neutered cat, which is good. He's young, maybe a little older than Maru...definitely older than Arya Fairmont. I've called him Biscotti, since he resembles Biscuit to an amazing degree (perhaps he's got some of the same genes in his bloodline). His picture is up on my Instagram feed.

Oh, for those interested, I turned my Instagram feed private. Makes it easier to weed out the sudden rash of men who suddenly want to be my friend. So far I've been approached by one impostor, and two who wanted nothing more than money, the rats. The one that seemed almost sincere, well, the shoe dropped when he wanted *me* to buy him an iTunes card. Heck, if you're a man who wants to talk to me, you can bloody well finance your own ways, especially since you're in the Army and in Afghanistan...where the hell you gonna spend your money out in the field? Plus, there was a duplicate account, tsk. Buh-bye.

I have survived this year, I just need to make it through the next three weeks. Somehow things will be all right.

This entry was originally posted at https://starshadow-rivaulx.dreamwidth.org/1707878.html. - there are
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