Morning! Sun is rising, and I am rocking out to "Build Me Up Buttercup" before the official start to my day...and it's the remix version! Good times...6:24 AM
oh my lord, I hope Tiger does well tomorrow...7:34 AM
Landmark Chapel now, waiting for Mass to start. I heard the organist playing some of myfavorite songs, I do hope those are for this Mass...the choir is lovely...10:30 AM
Choir now singing "Dios Ang Pagibig"...they have a beautiful line up. Going offline now...15 mins before Mass begins. 10:43 AM
Got myself a nice hamburger lunch at the Glorietta food court after Mass. The priest was a bit of a comedian, especially that part in his homily about how, when you talk to people, they nod their heads but in reality they're zoned out...1:43 PM
..."like Catholics during the homily..." Cue round of appreciative laughter from the faithful, followed by louder laughter when Father said, "Present company excepted! Not referring to you!"
Nice one, Father...1:43 PM
Seems like I have gotten back into the habit of going to Mass. It feels right. Ma raised me in the shadow of the Church and her own deep faith (which sometimes set her at odds with the priests), and hopefully my days as the prodigal daughter of the faith are ending. 1:54 PM
I suppose it's only right. I am Christmas-born, after all, and was raised to believe that was something special. Hard to explain in a food court. But if I know anything for sure, it is that the love of God has been my strength and shield, joy and consolation...1:54 PM
...all my life; together with the protection of the Blessed Virgin. Ok, sermon over.
Back to posts about cats, food, and everyday life.
Love ya all...1:54 PM
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