I love Tim Tebow.

Jan 14, 2012 10:34

It's true. I love Tim Tebow.

Not because I'm a Broncos fan. (I'm not.)

Not because I think Tebow is awesome. (He's not.)

But because I find great amusement in how angry he makes EVERYBODY.

The media can't stand him, because he's winning. He wasn't supposed to win! He has a sloppy pass with a slow delivery. He doesn't always make great decisions on the field. He isn't aggressive enough for football. As he was being drafted, all the news could talk about where these things. What a weird choice, Denver, that kid isn't going to amount to anything in the NFL!

But that isn't even the big thing that pisses people off. It's the fact that he loves Jesus. And he's not afraid to hide it.

Personally, I think that takes balls, and I respect him for it.

As most people are aware, Tebow's strong religious beliefs have made him a giant target for criticism. Criticism itself isn't necessarily a problem, though I personally believe that much of the current rationale is flawed. I will now visit a tiny handful of the most common comments that I have come across this football season from "civilian" sources.

He believes in God! What a freaking idiot!
Um, I'm getting this one out of the way first, because it honestly is the only thing about the negative Tebow hype that actually upsets me. For one, *I* believe in God and Jesus. Does that make me stupid? What about everybody else that attends my church? Yes, there ARE people out there that are religious AND stupid, but that does not make the two things mutually inclusive. I really don't see how the two directly relate at all. If I were to stop a moment to publicly pray in a similar manner, would I receive the same treatment? Or is it the fact that he's a sports celebrity make it not allowed?

How dare he take a knee after every good play he makes?
Why should anyone care if he takes a knee and prays? Would you prefer he shoved his face into your television screen and shouted, "YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN JESUS BECAUSE I DO." I think not. I can agree that it seems a little odd, but only because it isn't what I would do. It isn't what most people do. That said, doing something differently doesn't make it wrong. I, for one, had a plastic Yoda figurine from Taco Bell that I carried in my pocket for every middle school concert I played in. Looking back, even I find that way more weird and potentially offensive.

I don't care if he kneels all the time, but why does he choose to do it in front of all the cameras??
Excuse me. He plays football in the NFL. Everybody on the field is some level of celebrity, and there are dozens, if not hundreds of cameras out there. There will never at any point be a time during gameplay that a camera is not expertly trained on Tebow. Pray (ha!) tell me, where do you suggest he go during the middle of a football game? It is his job after all. I would think that it would be MORE frowned upon if he walked back to the locker room after every play. As long as you're on the sidelines, you can't avoid the cameras. Just ask Mark Sanchez and Nick Novak! Sanchez needed to eat a hot dog, Novak needed to take a pee, and Tebow needs to pray. Everybody has their personal business to attend to when they're not on the field.

Tim Tebow is such an _(insert insult here)_.
Really? When did you meet him?

Okay, that's what I've got.

I don't care if you still hate Tim Tebow. I'm not saying who should and who shouldn't. In the end, that is irrelevant. All in all, I still believe that everybody is entitled to their opinion. I just shared mine.

To conclude, I hope the Tebow's... I mean, Broncos win tonight's game against the Patriots.

Not because I love Tim Tebow.


Mark Sanchez eats a hot dog. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh71pVqGKTc
Nick Novak takes a pee. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekjh0K7i7bE


tebow, nfl, sports

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