Mar 13, 2006 21:01
Hahahahahahahahaha remember when all the emo kids wrote all their raves and rants in the melodramatic site?
Oh shit I was totally one of them.
I found this entry, and tell me, did I turn into the upperclassman that I hated so much?
* * *
So this is what came to mind. I realize that I don’t want to grow up into adults. I don’t even want to grow out of my age of 14. I see people in my school that are older than me, and I’m so terrified that when I get older, I am going to be like them. Big egos, mislead thinking, and acting too cool for little freshmen. What’s the quality in that? The more they think that younger people are immature, the more immature they become. They sound like a complete idiot when they say, "age does matter." Okay I can see it would matter if it’s a difference of 50 years, but 3 years?
It just saddens think that maybe one day I will become one of them. Also, I see parents who think so highly of themselves. They are ALWAYS correct and better than the kids. After a while, their pride of being above everyone will turn them into these narrow-minded obstinate dumbass that is full of bullcrap. And then...the kids start to realize how stupid their parents are, and they rebel. How do their rebel? Let’s kill ourselves by doing drugs, and OH getting pregnant when you’re 16 is SO awesome! Our world is so fucked up these days.
I don’t want to grow up. other cases, I do. I don’t want to be treated as this retarded child among family friends. Either way, I will have to grow up someday. So all these words I just typed are nothing but a waste of time.
* * *
Just shows how little has changed since freshman year. And here I am, thinking that something did change for the better! Psh!