Childfree boards make Cindy sad...

Jul 21, 2008 20:18

I ended up on a LJ childfree board, and I did some reading.  I shouldn't have, but  I did.

Now I am sad.

Gah... do people really feel that way about other people who have kids?  That we are wasting our lives, and that we aren't worth talking to any more, and stuff like that?

It really hurts, you know?  I have nothing against people who don't have or ( Read more... )

meme, real life

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Comments 33

simgarooop July 22 2008, 01:03:48 UTC

I think you ended up on one of those childfree hardcore communities. I once found one of them and my blood was boiling before I finished reading the first two entries, and I'm not a mother.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't want to have kids, but be sure that they aren't as close minded as these idiots. I'm talking about the people who call parents "breeders" and who call children "worthless flesh bags" and who want to puke at the sight of a baby. I used to follow a site called "Cute Overload" that posted tons of pics of baby animals, and when the owner posted an adorable video of a baby, some members reacted with "nausea".

I really, really don't understand them.

So yup, stay away from those communities. They only bring intense headaches and I'm sure they are a minority among the sane childfree people.


pixelcurious July 22 2008, 01:18:35 UTC
I agree, I think they're the minority. I never wanted to have children, but I don't think people who do are wasting their lives.

And remember, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. And some people have a whole lot of puckered, ugly ones all over them. Opinion-asshole people, oozing or spraying shit everywhere. Best to stay out of range. :D


cindyanne1 July 22 2008, 13:41:32 UTC
LOLOLOL! Puckered, ugly assholes oozing and spraying shit! Oh my... I needed that laugh, but now I can't get that graphic out of my head! O_o

Whee, lol!


pixelcurious July 22 2008, 13:56:32 UTC
Oh man... was I drinking? I can't believe I said that. :D

But hey, maybe it's like the tricks they teach you for public speaking. Imagine everyone naked, that kind of thing. Imagine those rude child-freers with their spraying buttholes, and they have no power over you. :D


tacy00p July 22 2008, 01:04:01 UTC
Awww, sending you hugs! I get stuff like that all the time from childless career women "friends". Drives me crazy that I can't ignore them, but I can ignore people like them on the internet atleast! I also get crap because I chose to stay home, but when my son was diagnosed I did what I had to do and took care of him full time. If people choose to think I'm ignorant because I don't work outside of the home than so be it! I know better! LOL (See, I'm humble, too!) I have a big family like you, and get lots of comments about how I should have stopped at two! XD Oh well. Stay away from forums like that from now on! There's plenty of nice people out there to chat with instead!


cindyanne1 July 22 2008, 12:18:34 UTC
Ugh, I know what you mean. After I had the first two, which were a girl and a boy, everyone assumed I'd be "done" since I had "one of each." Brian and I were always dumbfounded at that. We didn't realize there was a magic point to being "done" and certainly not just because we had one of each. We got most of our flack when we had the third and fourth. I think by the 5th and 6th people were just resigned to us having more than the "normal" amount of kids and didn't say too much, lol!


ikichi July 22 2008, 18:16:54 UTC
My aunt has 9, I think. (But they live in Trinidad.) All single births. I'm an only child so my mind was blown. They both work, but I don't know the details. I'm amazed they pulled it off, but I think all the kids still live at home and help. The culture helps, though (my uncle's East Indian and my Aunt's half-Chinese, so there are different expectations from children).


simsforaranya July 22 2008, 01:05:47 UTC
I've always wanted kids, and have never been shy about saying that my life dream is to be a stay-at-home mom for 4 ish kids, and write on the side. I get a LOT of flack about it. My friends think I'm insane, and other people (other then those of the same mindset) are downright rude.


simsforaranya July 22 2008, 01:06:38 UTC
Um, I don't mean my ONLY life dream. But it is something I can see myself doing and loving.


cindyanne1 July 22 2008, 12:21:25 UTC
That sounds a lot like my goals, too. :) In fact, when I was a senior in high school I had a "senior journal" that each page had some kind of prompt that you would write things about. I remember one of the prompts was "What do you see your self doing in 20 years?" and I wrote "Married to Brian, being a stay at home mom to at least four kids, and writing stuff." :D

Guess I had my life pretty much planned out, eh? XD


abbycat900 July 22 2008, 01:23:16 UTC
Personally, I only want one child related to me, because childbirth just.... scares me a little (unless whoever I fall in love with wants lots of little genetic sprogs) and I plan on adopting in the future, but people who think that obviously have a few screws loose.


cindyanne1 July 22 2008, 12:31:53 UTC
I think adopting is beautiful. I still hope to adopt internationally one day.

Childbirth is only scary the first time. ;)


redqueenofevil July 22 2008, 01:45:21 UTC
It's not that all child free people think that way, it honestly is just that community. I was a member of a couple of CF comms years ago (2003), but left, because the juvenile behavior of the members got very old. I have several friends who still maintain that they plan to stay childfree, but they do not insult people who opt to start families. There's a difference. As you know, we do want to start a family, so I'm childless, not necessarily wanting to be child free.

Not all people feel that way.

By the way, your pic in your new icon is very pretty. You have a nice smile. :)


cindyanne1 July 22 2008, 12:35:41 UTC
Thank you for the pic complement, lol!

I was pretty sure not all CF people felt like that... I was just shocked so many of them *do* or seem to, anyway. It was kind of like finding out there's this whole underground of a hate group I didn't know existed. Sigh.

I have several childfree friends, and I've never had any issues. They all seem to like kids... just as long as they are someone else's. ;) I'm glad most CF people are like that.


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