Gnome picspam! :D

Jun 12, 2011 09:27

As promised, here is some picspam of the absolutely creepy adorable gnome families that show up in Generations!!!

Baby gnome!!

Some spam of toddler/child gnomes. I can't really tell which is which; or else I might have missed the toddler stage? Or maybe the baby I have above is actually the toddler and I missed the baby? I'm really not sure, lol.

Elder Gnome. YOU SIMS GET OFF MY LAWN lolol

Gnome party!! Here we have all kinds of gnomes... now I will freely admit I cheated and got the first two Mysterious Mr. Gnomes I have (the elders there in the picture) by using the BuyDebug cheat. However, the others were found through other means, like building on the inventor bench, digging with the inventor's drill, and being sent as gifts. And, of course... they are multiplying lol.

Emo teenage gnome. I must say I lol'd. XD

Notice how the teenage gnome is alllll the way across the lawn by himself.

Emo Gnome: THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND ME! *krikri*

Gnome gravestone. Awwww... :( The sims cannot mourn it, however.


The cycle continues...

Rags: "...and if you play with him a lot now, eventually he will turn into a real man and then you can really play with hi... I mean, you'll have a whole lot of fun wit... uhhh, well, you'll figure it out..."

Julie: *snuggles Bop*

Okay, and I found out that the Imaginary Friends-turned Sims have a self-interaction to turn themselves into toy form. And the children of once-imaginary friends have inherited that self-interaction too!   So... here are Rags and his daughter Julie.

As toys.

As a side note, the adult-Rags in toy form does not have any options for romantic interactions with his wife, which is odd considering the teenagers can romantically interact with the teen imaginary friends. /shrug

And oh look! Is it time for Julie's toy, Bop, to become a living imaginary friend??

Oh, this isn't a creepy scene whatsoever, right? RIGHT???


misc sims 3

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