Well I missed another LJ anniversary. It's been 4 years this month since I joined LJ and missing my anniversary seems to happen every year. lol This is
2006's entry. I've gone back through a few entries and I really miss some of my old LJ friends who have gone on to other things. =( All but one still has their LJ account, but if you think I don't
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I don't want to leave commenting too long but do sometimes and feel bad about it.
And I'm thinking about putting together a Wordpress or something like that. I want a blog I can post info on gardening and photography that will have links to my Cafe Press and Blurb sites on the same page as the blog. Ideally I'd like to get people interested with posts on photography, possibly gardening, that people can drop in and read but have the links for them to see without having to go to my profile page. I guess another option would be to set up an LJ or Dreamwidth and do a sticky post at the top with those links. More posting though and more time. But Id like to try to get more search engines and more people to my links.
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