See, now, this is why there are times I stay away from LJ: The monitor for my desktop won't work any more, so now I have to get online with my laptop, which doesn't have anything updated like bookmarks etc., so I start looking at all the LJ bookmarks here that I haven't checked out for forever, and then I'm lurking and reading all kinds of recent happenings, and I pick up on some memes and start to do one when suddenly I wake up. Hey! I was just going to do a couple of things here, and now it's hours later.
Jan is right, surfing the web reading LJ is the original Black Hole of Time.
I won tickets to see
Roving Mars at the IMAX theatre, so Marilyn and I went on Thursday night. It was a very cool movie. The computer animations were so well done that it was impossible to tell what was actually filmed and what was CG. It told the story of developing the rovers Opportunity and Spirit and their journeys to and on Mars; a planetary geologist's feast. If you can get to it, I highly recommend this little gem of a film: you will laugh, you will cry, you will cheer!
Evelyn came over this morning. After four hours of sorting, scrubbing, and hauling, there is all kinds of SPACE in the kitchen. I almost don't know what to do with myself in there! And in the trunk of my car are two boxes and a bag full of stuff to take to Goodwill. I hope to take much more in the weeks to come.