Dear John,

Apr 11, 2007 12:10

Well, that's the type of e mail I sent to both of the guys I was dating. Well, one I was sort of dating, the other only called me all the time and never actually got to planning anything.

AJ was nice. We had nice time talking but as I said before all we ever did was meet at Panera for an hour between work and school. Other than that he never had the time for me on weekends. I'm busy too, but I was willing to MAKE the time for him. I even invited him out w/ my firends which will not happen unless I really think I may like a guy. We're too busy for each other; I told him that, and also that I coudn't base a relationship on an hour of coffee on Wednesday nights. Haven't heard back from him since.

Brent was different. Nice, but at the same time struck me in the very first convo as arrogant and a "one-upper." I could also tell the guy was desperate to get married again. I really was put off by a lot of the things he said in the convo but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and at least meet him. That never even happened! He freaked me out by asking if I wanted to go to NY for new years eve [if everything worked out] - this was during our very first phone convo in friggin' FEBRUARY. My reply to that was "if everything works out ask me in 6 months." He pulled that "plan ahead" crap about 5 times and I told him 100 times to wait until we met in person before booking me 10 months early! Anyhow we had one date planned & it didn't happen because of forces beyond control (he was in an accident). Other than that he never tried to reschedule anything at all - all he ever did was call me "just to talk" which I told him numerous times i'm not a fan of "just sitting and talking" on the phone. I don't have all that extra time on my hands. He even called me at 7 am (multiple times AFTER I told him I don't have time to talk when I'm rushing around for work in the morning), or at 4:30 when he knows I don't answer my phone at work. [Even when my phone was off he'd still leave a message & I know what time it was because I have a time stamp.] The guy just didn't listen.
Finally the other day I sent him an e mail telling him I am tired of just talking. I don't want someone to talk to on the phone - that's what my friends and sister are for. I pretty much went on into the "Dear John" thing, telling him I didn't think it was going to go anywhere and blah blah blah and luckily haven't heard back from him [yet].
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