Sep 06, 2005 09:04
We finally are at our new place. So much to write about. I am a GRANDMOTHER!!! Dominic William. Not sure if thats how she spells it yet. Born Sept 2.
We took almost 3 days to get here.Arrived Sept 1st. When we finally made it we went to the efficiency that I had a deposit on. What a nightmare. I knew it wouldn't be a nice place but the night before we got there it rained so hard that it flooded the place. And the woman refused to return the deposit. We took pics and are going to sue her for the deposit back. Unable to find a place we ended up at a beautiful hotel called COuntry House Inn. It was like a huge colonial bed and breakfast place. Cost us $274.00 for 2 nights. Larry's work was great and will reimburst us for it. Finally on the 3rd we found a cute town called Schenectady about 13 miles from Larry's work. It's old colonial homes from the 20's I'd say. We live on the first floor and have the basement too. The landlord lives on the 2nd floor and is real sweet. Having to put $ out for the hotel and eating and gas to search for a place we were really hurting for money. The landlord let us in for less than half the first months rent. Ronn is in and out about the place he wants to save his money buy a car and go back to Florida. Thats ok. But he has the basement with his own kitchen, bathroom and entrance so he is kinda psyched (sp) about his own place.
I found out my daughter had her baby on the 2nd. She wasn't due til the 8th. This is where it gets weird. She had induced labor. I researched it and it is a common practice but mostly when there is danger to the mother baby or if your due date is late. It is also done for convenience but is not recomended as it could harm the baby be a lot more painful and if the cervix is not ripe it can lead to ceserean.She is on medicade and I can' t believe that the state would pay extra to convenience her. But the bottom line is they are both fine and doing well. When I found out she had had her baby I cried with both joy and pain. I thought and thought all day long about what I should do. At about 9:30 pm I decided to take action and called the general hospital in her town and asked for her room. She was there and cried "mommy is that you?" she seemed real happy to hear from me. We both cried and laughed a bit. I didn't stay on the phone too long I knew she was tired and I didn't want to get her anymore emotional than she was already. I just had to tell her I loved her and how proud and happy I was for her. I know she was happy to hear from me. She didn't hang up or stay quiet. She said she loved me and talked to me for a bit. This was friday I knew she wouldn't be in the hospital long so I wanted to talk to her 1 more time. I called all day sat and no answer. In my heart I felt she didn't want to speak to me.She in fact had disconnected the phone. I tried to call the nurse's station and asked them if she wanted to talk to me to connect the phone that if she was tired to leave it. I then got a call from my sister...cindy she doesn't want to talk to you she isn't ready. It hurt so bad. But I got to thinking this is not how my daughter talks....this is someone else coaxing her. She was happy to hear from me and had no problem talking to me the night before. So it helped relieve some of the hurt.I know she will call me one day. The best part is I can financially help her in anyway she needs now. Larry said if she ever calls to come home to absolutely tell her we are there for her. Larry said he may not like it at times but that life's full of things you don't like and we will deal with it. He is a wonderful man.
I was looking through boxes and found a few baby pics of my kids I thought I had lost them all. I also found a couple of their father with Crystal. And even some of my childhood pics. Only a couple but I am happy to have them . i really thought I had lost them all.
So it's beautiful here today in Schenectady Ny. Weather is great. But from what I hear in a couple of weeks I'll be second guessing the nice cool weather. I haven't seen a white christmas in 20 years it will be awesome!
My dad and sister are wanting to come and visit as soon as we get settled. I asked them if they would like to come for Christams and my dad was kinda excited. So that will be sooo cool.
Crystal I love you. Domonic abuelita loves you. When you are ready baby I am here.....