Things one can have fly out of the back of a truck or car in front of them while doing 75 on the 202 through Tempe at 7:45 a.m.:
- A large box of paper containing approximately 1000 unstapled sheets which the wind plasters against your dust covered windshield
- A paint bucket, empty, subsequently run over and dragged approximately 1.27 miles beneath the front bumper (Note: if this happens to you, it's loud)
- Plastic bags. Don't bother trying to dodge these, it's futile.
- Tires, be they shredded from a blowout or in their natural, full round state. These make quiet thumping noises when you can't avoid them.
- Ladders (Note: try not to hit these, they leave a mark)
- Twelve pack of diet coke. Fizzy.
- Cardboard boxes, 50/50 chance of running over an empty rather than one full of dinner plates (Note: Styrofoam peanuts are a bitch to pry out of your radiator)
- Homemade cassette mix tapes
- Clothing
- Mattress, queen size
- Illegal Alien, Hispanic variety
Driving here is a risky obstacle course of materialism and humanity.