Jun 15, 2005 23:39
Well, it's been a long while since I've posted a real update. My last one was March 27th... Wow. Well, Justin and I finished moving our stuff into the new apartment. We finally got unpacked, although I'm sure there are still things I cannot or will not be able to find. I went back to school after Spring Break was over and finished up with 3 A's, a B, and a C. I was pleased, and after taking my last final Monday, May 2nd, I graduated Friday the 6th. It was long and hot at graduation, but I sat beside Kara, so I wasn't totally bored. Dad and JoAnn took Justin and I to Olive Garden after it was over, so that was nice. Awkward, but nice. I had two days of freedom before starting my internship the next Monday morning at the Westmoreland HIMG office. I met some great people and learned a lot, but in the four weeks I was there, I did more filing than any intern should have to. They took on too many interns, and there just wasn't enough for us to do. I talked to Sharon, our teacher taking care of our internships, and she did some checking. Well, Kara had been working at her dad's office, (he's a gynecologist here in Huntington), and she was leaving there to do some internal medicine interning, so I went over there last week and this week. It was much more fun, and I didn't have to do any filing. The girls there were really fun to work with, and they taught me a lot. Kara's dad was really great too. He was all about teaching me everything. I finished up there yesterday. I'm glad to have some freedom now. I'm really burnt out on school and stuff. Next Monday I have to go to St. Mary's and take a CPR class. Then next Thursday, I have nursing school orientation. 8am to 5pm. Yuck. And somewhere in there, I went to Ashley's graduation, got new glasses, found out I have astigmatism, got deathly ill and puked all night one night, broke my laptop power cord, and bought a new digital camera. My new camera is a Canon Powershot A95, and it rocks. It's so much better than my old camera. Julie bought the old one. She got it, the cables, the manuals, the CD, and two memory cards for $50. That's going towards buying my new laptop power cord, which costs $71. BOO. At least I didn't break the laptop. Ashley's graduation was incredibly long and boring. I don't know what made me sick that night, but I spent all night puking. It was not fun, and poor Justin had to clean it up because I was so sick. Needless to say, I didn't make it to work the next day. But, my new glasses are cute, and I can see outta them after they finally found out about my astigmatism and re-made my lenses. I started a pen collection while interning. The drug reps being in all kinds of goodies, so I started collecting the cool pens. I have probably around 100 or so. Some of them are really sweet. At least I don't have to buy pens for school this fall. I just realized I'm updating this entry from the web, and I have a client downloaded onto my computer. Hmmmm. I'm kinda tired. At work yesterday, Chasity gave me a TB test, and I have to go back tomorrow to have it read. It looks pretty negative. Well, that's all for now. I'll try to update again sooner than this time. :o)