Second day of deer season, stocking up for possible storms, and more ...

Nov 30, 2010 12:05

Well, Tom and I both missed the first day of deer season completely ... that *has* to be a first! But, at least once Tom got up from sleeping further during the mid-day, he was up and feeling fairly well except for the remaining tiredness and acheyness left over from having such a high fever the evening before (102.9). We spent the rest of the evening together just milling around the house here and looking over some more info concerning the upcoming and pending project I'd told you all about yesterday. I even dreamed about it all last night! And, yes, I did finally get to sleep last night ... Yay! In fact, slept right on through till just after 10:00 AM! ... I'm usually up between like 6:30 & 7:00 AM so this felt both weird and quite pleasant for a change.

Tom went out hunting this morning but didn't see anything other than the one he kicked up on his way in when it was way to early to shoot yet. Before he went back up to lay down awhile before going into work tonight, he'd mentioned our son had called. Since he didn't say he'd said he'd gotten one, I'm going to safely assume he has not yet. Me, I'll go out on Friday with Tom. Thursday, we're going to be spending his day off taking care of this "project appointment" and then doing all our usually day-off running and get that all out of the way. Then Friday and Saturday will be devoted to hunting. That's the plan anyway.

Just a minute ... let me go get another cup of coffee and I'll be right back ...

Okay ... I'm back ...

While we're out, I do want to make sure I take care of all the month of December's groceries and supplies. They're calling for December around here to be either one or the other of wide opposites ... we're either going to get basically nothing more than snow flurries over the next 4-5 weeks or we're going to get slammed with a double-header of major nor-easters (which is what the weather people are starting to lean toward as days go by). And that possible double-header is due in for next week. So, it won't take much at all to be ready here. I already have the bulk of all my supplies set up (for well past even December but, in that, that means the next couple weeks is well more than comfortably setup so I won't need to run out in the nasty weather for anything ... meaning I won't need to be out and about running around on the roads while Tom's at work wondering if I'll make it home. I can just sit back and enjoy!). I just want to mainly pick up a couple more bins for grain storage for in the barn ... and then, of course, the additional grains to fill those bins. Then, some kero for the kero heaters we keep handy for those super-frigid days & nights to help assist the woodstove we use to heat the entire house throughout the winter. Other than that, there's just a few regular type groceries I just want to make sure my stock is up to date with just in order to keep my stockup inventory at prime level. Other than that, we're pretty well set with the basics.
I have my flours and what-not supplies for my breads and baked goods, I have plenty of food stored, daily personal items also, we have enough firewood right now to take us through to at least mid-January (with more planned coming in another couple of weeks), plenty of hay for my barn-babies till late summer, enough grains to hold them for at least 2 to 3 months, foods ingredients for my inside babies (ingredients to make their homemade meals I make for the dogs and cats) to last at least 2 months, water-supply is not an issue whatsoever, ... ha! I even have diapers here ready for if my grandbaby #5 comes over to visit a while ... haha! as far as that goes, I have diapers here yet ready for when grandbaby #6 arrives and comes over too!
Yeah, we'd be pretty much ready even if something hit right now. I'm looking more like just simply topping-off the supplies stocked up (which is what I like to do every so often anyway) and getting stocked up on some of the perishables like salad fixin's and the like. I'm even good as far as like to make my own cheeses and yogurts and such. The egg supply is out in the barn. I'm just about to begin milking my doe-goat who kidded the first kids of the season. So, I'll have that milk to work with again now. I have another goat-doe looking like she'll be kidding about the end of December and a couple more that will be due out toward the Spring months. Also, while my goats are in the dry-period between kidding/milking, we get raw cow's milk from one of our neighboring dairy farms instead of buying that junk-store-bought cow's milk (my opinion). We get this cow's milk for $2.50/gallon and it still contains all it's natural nutrients. Yeah, still second-best to the goats milk, but I can deal with that the short time I need an alternative.

Well, guess I've been yakking long enough here for now. Things to do.
Checking back later on ...
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