Jan 10, 2006 23:44
im done guys im not going to be on anymore cause after a arguement with my closest friend i aint dealing with anyones trouble anymore. im ending everything i have online cause i want nothing to do with people. im sick of not being able to spend time with anyone, im sick of living at home, im sick of people just using me to make themselfs feel better. i have feelings 2 and i want to be able to get out of the house but cant cause all of u r 2 young to just hang out. if anyone that carse for me reads this call my cell and let me know if not i know im not a lost to any of u. all of u have a better life and all i have is a nothing but work and home. i want out of it all. i want to be able to go out and hang with people when i get out of work not just go home everyday and be bored while the rest of u can see your friends. im not good enough to talk to then fuck u all. i can say truly that i am not worth your time cause if i was any and all of u would still be talking to me. but since being gone all of u forgot about me. just like i was a peice of paper under your bed. im out see if i return.