http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/ )
mountebank \MOUN-tuh-bank\, noun:
1. A peddler of quack medicine, who stands on a platform to appeal to the audience.
2. A charlatan; a boastful pretender to knowledge or a skill.
Man oh man, I have been sick all day. I woke up with a cough, sore throat and stuffed up nose. I took some DayQuil and later some Advil because it was so bad. My head was simply pounding that I could not stop crying. Not hysterically crying but just the kind were tears continuously rolled down my cheeks. Thankfully it seems to be all over now!
Ew, I hope I don't sound like one of those annoying depressed livejournal people. The kind where all they do is talk about how bad they "think" they have it.. or use LJ to list all of the overwhelming things they have to do. Man, I HATE annoying people. Especially annoying people that don't get a clue when they are not wanted. - I don't need any of your negative energy! I'm sorry but I am not as depressed as you! Go slice your wrists or something if you need attention that badly! - I guess I'm a bitch but believe me, I've had my share of those types of friendships.. I simply cannot handle them! I can't stand by and listen to someone bitch about their life yet not do a damn thing about it. What can I say.. weak people bug me.