Title: Eyes closed above the rooftops
Pairing: Cook/Archuleta
Rating: G
Summary: A missing scene? Set during "
Teach them to Fly" but through Cook's POV. Adelaide misses her Papi.
Author's Notes: It's been a year since I posted fic. A YEAR. Also, not entirely betaed so please be nice but constructive? Please? (If you remember who I am, haha.)
David woke to a set of familiar eyes barely inches from his face.
It shouldn’t really shock him, it’d been the routine for about a week but he didn’t even have to check a clock to know how ungodly the hour was.
“Hey,” he tried for the softest his rough voice could go, acutely aware of his son sleeping in a bassinet a few feet away. “It’s still early, Ladie. Sun is sleeping.”
His daughter furrowed her brow. “I want Papi.”
He would add that that made two of them but that hadn’t worked the last six times. He swept her up onto the bed and cuddled her close. “I know Bug, I know.”
“Call him?” she pleaded. It was a fair question they’d done it a few other times but he knew the time difference and he knew that it was a show night. No chance for Skype or Facetime when he had interviews and warm ups. How to explain that to a three year old was beyond him.
Instead he started to hum. He was a little sketchy on the lyrics and even more so on his use of Spanish but his daughter didn’t seem to mind too much. She curved up against him and sang out a few words and sighed when he absently petted her hair like he knew Archie did when he put her to sleep.
Even though he knew from the slack feeling of her arms over his chest that she was fast asleep he turned slightly and grabbed his phone. He knew it was cheesy to have a playlist of his own husband’s albums but it didn’t bother him to admit he was a little cheesy when it came to David Archuleta. He put it on low, more for his own comfort than his daughter’s.
Almost as an afterthought he took a picture and sent it to Archie.
Hope you have a good show. Miss you. xxx D, A and C(not pictured)
Closed his eyes and hoped that wherever Archie was it made him smile, before he was blissfully back to sleep.
This entry was originally posted at
http://cinderlily.dreamwidth.org/771371.html . Please comment either place.