Fic rec!
Pairing Pendragon/Merlin :: Arthur is a BNF and Merlin is his prized beta
Okay, so for the eleven people who read Merlin fic on my flist... this is the coolest fic I've read in awhile. It's written by an anon and OMG. I wish I could follow the person just to bow at their feet. It's modern AU and about fandom and speaks SO VERY MUCH to how I feel about being in fandom at points that I feel awkward about reccing it. (My crazy, let me show you it.) I've read it before, like ages ago but someone did a podfic for it and I was reminded. Podfic is good but going to slow, so I'm rereading it and THEN I'll listen to the podfic. That is not a joke. I ♥ this fic.
There is sexy times but if you are nerdy like me skipping it doesn't change much. ... Yeah, I'm that vanilla. Sex in fic FREAKS ME OUT. Don't ask.
(I also wrote about 2k in the last two days. WORDS, GUYS, I AM WRITING WORDS.)
(ALSO ALSO, We had a doc appt today. PTBN is growing strong and has a beautiful 160bpm heartbeat. I'm a little in love.)