Title: the gossip mill
Pairing: Noah Puckerman/Kurt Hummel, Burt/Carole
Rating: PG. SO PG.
Summary: The morning after "
you could tell the difference"
Author's Notes: I just realized this was on my desktop and not up and as I am trying to get it together a timeline this fits into it.
Burt woke the next morning when the light hit his window. He’d been surprised at how quickly that he fell asleep the night before, figuring in jet lag or maybe just shock at his son having a boyfriend. It really wasn’t the boyfriend part as such, he’d met one or two of the guys that Kurt would parade around when he was in town it were just rarely more than a cup of coffee. In the silent agreement of father and son he knew it was mostly to keep Carole from worrying.
He could respect that in his son: the ability to know that his father was pretty bad at lying to his stepmother and the decency to provide vague details to fill the conversations.
That reminded him. He checked the clock on his TV.
He picked up his phone and hit the second speed dial, not having to wait even a half a ring before it was picked up.
“Oh thank the lord,” she breathed into the phone. “I thought you’d been kidnapped and taken to Tijuana or something.”
Burt cracked a smile. “Still in LA, I think.”
“Tell me everything,” she glossed over his bad attempt at a joke. “It is really Puck or is it just some game?”
“It’s Puck.”
“Oh my, Noah Puckerman,” she breathed. “I have to call Mrs. Puckerman. Maybe we can go to tea or something. Isn’t that what you do with in laws?”
Burt froze with his coffee mug half way to his lips. In Laws?
“And we’ll have to consider Judaism in their wedding. I think I have a book or two left over from ours. I don’t know.”
She ignored him. “He took you to a game. That’s nice of him. To take you some place you’d be comfortable…”
“Puck likes hockey, actually. Devils fan,” Burt could feel himself preen a little. He needed more sports in the family. He just wasn’t sure when that had happened. The whole adding him to the family bit. Though, if the way his son had looked at Puck meant anything…
“A Devils fan!” Carole exclaimed, like she knew really what that meant. “That’s good. Shared interests. And he was Finn’s friend in school… Until you know. The happening… Did Kurt look completely bored?”
Burt thought over the night before and frowned. He hadn’t actually thought Kurt would go to the game with him. Kind of expected him to come up with some last minute out of nowhere job thing. So the fact that he was there at all was a bit of a shock itself. But he didn’t look… bored.
Maybe confused? But that was par for the course. Then there was that red vine thing? Where Kurt smiled for the first time his dad could remember and… yeah. Maybe Carole should’ve been the one there.
“He seemed worried but happy,” Burt said, finally settling on that as the closest he was going to get Then he shrugged. “Or really pissed off. You know I don’t read his moods that good.”
The line was dead silent for ten seconds and Burt was sure that was a record. “Oh… OH BURT”
He recognized the teary voice, but he was fairly certain he couldn’t manage that level screw up three time zones away. “… What?”
“I’ll have to call you back,” she sighed. And the phone clicked before he could even say ‘I love you’.