"she... she needs a new knee... and they'll give her just a nap but they'll be filling in the gap."

Jan 12, 2010 11:45

At the hospital, where they have free (and fast!) internet. I figure I will be here all day, so this is nice for me. It turns out my mom has a strep (in her knee?) and she needs to have two surgeries. One today (at about six) where they take out the infection and the second part to come later on when she is feeling better to ... rereplace the knee.

My sister is here and we have already set up a system. She won't be alone. At any time. I'll stay with her for a few nights, my sister will stay for a few nights, back and forth. Because she will be here for the next five days and then sent home still on IV for eight weeks and because our family might be crazy but we are also dilligent in our craziness.

I'm sorry for the freak out... I just. Don't deal well with stress and even less with my mom's illness.

family :: mom

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