I was going to ask for requests earlier, but seeing as i have been rocking the Wal-Tussin since about 6? I figured it would be an unwise social decision in the making. (One MAJOR downside of working with kids is that I am ALWAYAS SICK! The sad thing is that my immune system has gotten better in the last few years so I am only sick slightly more than most people now. ;)) Also, who am I kidding? I think it was just the buzz of finishing off the last round of requests and I am going to give myself a few days to live in that moment as the last dose was harder than normal for some reason? (Not in a bad way, just in a I fretted a lot?)
That aside: It's the New Year! So, you know,
L'shana Tova* to those who celebrate it and Happy You-don't-have-to-atone Week to the rest of you.
What little rage I could muster earlier has disappated through the art of emails/twitter with
mausi and Timm's adorableness when it comes to... oh. Um.
Life. Our kids are going to hate us, so hard. I am pretty sure we are fated to have a jock and a cheerleader who are HORRIFIED at the nerds that are their parents.
*Apple and Honey for a sweet New Year.... get it? .... Anyone?;)