I woke up this morning and realized that it was the first and was totally beyond bummed that I only posted three fics in the month of June. Last month I posted NINE! I felt like I was losing my touch and thus was... well. totally bummed. Then I thought about it and realized that was more than I had written in May, June, July and August of last year COMBINED. Ah, perspective. And I also have my BB, which is 17k, along with the epilogue that is an additional 3k that I can't count as I can't post it so I am feeling a lot better.
Teach them To Fly(Cook/Archuleta) “You should do it,” Cook said with unrelenting conviction. “It is only a month, and it sounds like a great opportunity.”
a series of (not so) unfortunate events (Cook/Archuleta) How Archie and Cook stumbled backwards into their happily ever after.
The Quackers Effect (Cook/Archuleta) "You let our three year old watch POWER RANGERS?"
All three are from the
kid!verse Rather than ask for requests, as I still have a list of those on my desktop and am horrible and promise myself I will finish them before I ask again, I am going to do a meme I remember from a while back. Paraphrased, of course, as um... I didn't save it anywhere and I have NO IDEA who I stole it from but *shrug* here it goes:
Ask me anything about my writing. It can be my writing process (haha) or my favorite fic I have written, or the character I like to write the most or the least or... well. Anything. I will answer any of them with complete honesty.
If it makes anything easier, feel free to ask anonymously, or if you just have like an over all critique? Feel free to leave it here as well.
Now I am off to brave the Apple Store and the grocery store before work. My life, she is interesting.