So this was going to be talking about the kid from Twilight being fascinating and digging the story line... but that was before THE GAYEST SCENE EVER HAPPENED.
Uh. You guys? Spencer and Morgan. On a roof top. At sunset. With emotional music. And a SUNSET. I ... can't even. ON A ROOF TOP. WITH FEELINGS. Jenna told me there was a good scene at the end, but good doesn't quite cut it for me. Maybe "GREATEST" or "BRILLIANT" or.... "HOLY CANON, BATMAN." They could have kissed at the end of it and I wouldn't have thought it strange.
And also, something I noted to be weird, is this is the second time that one of them identifying with the unsub had ended with a like... Morgan&Reid bonding moment. The last time being the episode where there were evil!Morgan&Reid and Morgan said, "I don't know what it is like to love a man" (LIES! Morgan! Don't say that in front of Reid or you are going to break his heart!)
I never really think of them as an outed couple, truth be told, I see Reid's social ineptitude and Morgan's false bravado as this cover. Maybe the group knows and decides to not push the issue, or they are genuinely the DUMBEST PROFILERS ON RECORD, but either way. They decide to keep it to themselves and keep their lives private. But this? Was epic fail if they are going for subtle.
I am curious, if any of my friends who are non-shippers are still reading this (I apologize to you, if you are) How are you reading that scene with out subtext? (And that isn't a sarcastic question, I mean I really want to hear from you so that it can be shown to me cause my subtext-contacts are stuck in my eye. )
AND there was like character development/follow through. Maybe CSI has totally broke me of this really I think they throw out scripts when they are done, but as soon as the first flash happened I was like, "Wait, did they just remember that Reid was kidnapped THREE SEASONS ago? Go you, CM writers!"
Also, Jasper in drag is oddly adorable? (Don't tell me what that says about me, cause I already know I am nuts.)