Granted, not really, as Timm was in to the Sabres when he was a kid and he was watching hockey last year before I did but still. We are the oh so cool couple, curled up on the couch and watching Hockey. (And I like it! I am SO colonized!)
Last night I went to a party though, so you know. I am a rebel with no cause. Or whatever. (Never mind most of the party was me playing with the CUTEST 16 month old on record. No joke. And she RAN to me and I was gone.)
I have been a glut of fanvids recently, and have found one that I am kind of ridiculously addicted to. As a warning, it is to a Snow Patrol song, which I know is so overplayed that it might be a put off but it really plays so beautifully you forget to get annoyed by it. It is Torchwood, Ianto focused (with a bit of Jack/Ianto, cause that is canon). Found here, about all the way down the page,
"Set Fire to the Third Bar". Brilliant.