Mmmm... writing zen.

Jan 17, 2008 23:55

This Matt/Mohinder thing is taking on a life of itself. I am at like 4100 words and am pretty sure there are at least another 2000 words to go. This is bizarre, and I am pretty sure the longest fic I have written in a stretch. I am still liking it but now I am completely wary, you know? Because I am afraid I am going to finish it and then people are going to be like, "Uh, yea. Suck. So much of the suck." I haven't been this emotionally invested (yes I know that is lame) in a story since Red String, and... um yea. Petrified would be the word I am looking for. Funnily enough though I have been hand writing most of it and I think that might be why I am liking it so much. Because it is easier for me to hand write it and almost a little more satisfying.

Would anyone be interested in um... pre-betaing it? Where in I just post a little bit of it and rather than criteque the grammar you just tell me if it is a completely dumb ass idea or not?

School was canceled tomorrow so I don't have to pick up Moo and So which is a mixture of good and bad. I picked them up from school today and hung out at their place until 10 which really isn't that bad of a day but I have to admit it was a little exhausting. I am not taking that heavy of a school load but damn it FEELS like a heavy school load. My classes are harder, and my teachers are crazy and ... wow. I don't know if this is senioritis or just plain crazy but I forsee this semester being the death of me. (Not to mention I have a wedding four days after my last final, no joke.)

I am beyond too exhausted to do any more writing so instead I am making a soundtrack for this fic mostly for my own entertainment. To answer your question, yes I really am that lame.

i'm :: coocoo, i :: go to school, fic :: talk

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