S'almost my birthday, and I am a little giddy with it. And I have an icon to celebrate it.
beelikej rocks my socks. <3
I went to the doctor this morning and found out what I thought was the Black Lung (well, not really but whatever) is a "killer" sinus infection which somehow led to an eye infection to boot (some one will have to explain that to me, as I don't know how that would work out). But, other than that, life is good. I am going to be 23, which, as always feels REALLY surreal. I think every year the age I am going to become just doesn't feel real until much later on (though, really I never got used to 22 it is just a weird year). I am thinking of this birthday as a rebirth of sorts. I am going to be the person I have always wanted to be. I am going to regrow, change and well. Grow up. (S'about time, really)
Twenty three. Squee. *dance* *stops to hack up lung* *dance*
On the plus side, nothing will ever amuse me as much as a Physician's Assistant looking HORRIFIED when I told him what I do for a living ('Preschool teacher? And you have survived? Be thankful it is just a sinus infection, it could be the Plague with what those kids run around with"
Weak. This season is becoming a little disappointing to me. Though Logan is still hot. I want more mangst.
Also, on a Veronica Mars note, and this is quite personal to me so: FREAKING WEAK. They were dating for what, off and on for two years and you can't even wait for the body to be cold before you go after him? Fucking WEAK Parker. I don't care if he asks, that is just plain WEAK.