Tuesday TV

May 11, 2005 08:48

Well. That was interesting.

As for Carrie and "Sin Wagon" - Amy from last year did a great rendition of this song - Carrie not so much. The second song was even worse. The judges were right - the arrangement was too slow and it was a complete mess. Anthony (!) did a much better version.

Vonzelle - what was up with her? I love her, but last night was not her night. The second song was a big improvement, but again, Anthony performed better than her overall, though he'll probably go home anyway as she'll likely get the sympathy vote.

Bo - first song, boring. Second song, fabulous! The flip flops have to go, though.

Anthony - I really don't care for Anthony, though I can never put my finger on exactly why. However, he did perform well last night, and based on last night's performances alone, he should stay and Vonzelle should be going home. We'll see.

Yay! Yay, yay, yay! Uchenna and Joyce! I was on the edge of my seat at the end when they were trying to find money to pay the cabbie. Great editing - Rob and Amber probably weren't as close as it appeared. And you know if it was Romber, Rob would have left that cabbie high and dry. ;-) I wouldn't have minded so much if Rob and Amber had won, though I was pretty much over them about 3 weeks ago and pulling for Uchenna and Joyce ever since. The fact that Kelly and Ron came in third is just icing on the cake. ;-)

You know, I really want to squee along with everyone else about this show. I would love to have another show to be really excited and fanficcy about and all that, but ... no. Don't get me wrong, it is definitely must-see TV for me. I just don't seem to have the extreme love that others have. In other words, it's no where near Buffy-level love, for me. Maybe I just need vampires. Or spaceships. ;-)

Last night, for instance, Duncan's father telling him he killed Lilly - that scene was just really odd. Too ... rushed? There was almost no set-up, then they told him, then they had a party, where he seemed to have adjusted pretty well to the news. (???)

Also, maybe I've seen too many psycho-killer movies, but I absolutely knew that Aaron was in the back seat of the car. That whole sequence seemed a bit over the top and again, a bit too Fatal Attraction-esque for me. As for it being Aaron, I thought it was him, but I was hoping it wasn't. And someone on my FL theorized this same scenario - soundingsea, was that you? I hope we still get to see some of Harry Hamlin next season. He can stick around and psychologically torture Logan from prison. :-)

Speaking of Logan, loved every moment he was on the screen. And how (more) screwed up is this going to make him - his father had an affair with, then killed his girlfriend. And then Veronica thought he was a murderer. That scene on the beach was so sad. And Back Up so knew he wasn't a killer! In fact, it's all the little stuff that I loved. Veronica and her dad - all their scenes, really. Veronica and Logan at his locker. Keith and Alicia at the hospital. The guy who hit Aaron - "Hey, you're Aaron Echolls!" Hee.

No, Logan and Veronica won't be falling into each others arms and living happily ever after any time soon. I think she and Duncan might end up back together in the short term, and I'm cool with that. It's very freeing not to be invested in any one ship, frankly.

So in conclusion, I hope that Weevil didn't hurt Logan too bad. And it was definitely Wallace at the door. :-)

tv: american idol, tv: veronica mars

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