Happy Birthday Fer!

Dec 14, 2004 00:25

Okay, so technically, it isn't your birthday anymore. I almost made it! In my time zone, at least. But I come bringing prezzies, so hopefully that makes up for it.

This started out to be a little interlude in the "Slow Motion" verse. ("Slow Motion" was written for Fer as part of the "And then ... " ficathon, and can be found here). However ( Read more... )

pairing: spike/buffy, fic: btvs, fic, stand alones

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Comments 36

db2305 December 14 2004, 10:19:56 UTC
Lovely, Cindy!


cindergal December 14 2004, 14:16:06 UTC
Thank you! So glad you liked it. :-)


wisteria_ December 14 2004, 10:56:32 UTC
Ooh, that was just what I needed. ;) Thanks so much for sharing!


cindergal December 14 2004, 14:16:28 UTC
Glad it hit the spot. *g*


withafireinside December 14 2004, 16:57:52 UTC
I love Illyria's phone manner, and the flashback to Tabula Rasa. I also loved "Slow Motion". Mind if I friend you?


cindergal December 16 2004, 22:03:23 UTC
Thank you for your kind comments, and of course I don't mind. :-)


nessaelerrina December 14 2004, 18:07:43 UTC
Cindy, I'm so glad I caught this! I loved your 'Slow Motion' and this was just as terrific. It was hot, schmoopy fun!


cindergal December 16 2004, 22:03:59 UTC
Thanks very much! Really glad you liked it. :-)


rahirah December 14 2004, 19:03:50 UTC
Whee! That's fun. :)


cindergal December 16 2004, 22:04:30 UTC
Thanks, Barb! And that's great news on the job thing, too.


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