In a romantic mood...

Jul 06, 2003 09:57

Gacked from ljs, :

My favorites on film:

- Lloyd and Diane, Say Anything - is there anything more romantic than the boombox scene? Well, maybe, but I love it. John Cusack, mmm.

- Loretta and Ronny, Moonstruck - "Snap out of it!" Hee. Passion and humor, a great combination.

- Bogart and Bacall - To Have and Have Not - just whistle ;-)

- Westley and Buttercup - Princess Bride - it's true love. :-)

- Princess Leia and Han Solo - how could I not?

- Belle and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast - as Disney heroines go, Belle is a cut above.

- Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester (Orson Welles/Joan Fontaine version) - I watched this movie many times with my mom as a kid.

On TV:

- Buffy and Spike - duh.

- Mulder and Scully - so sue me.

- Dave and Maddie - the early years.

- Lucy and Ricky - still love them.

- Carol and Doug (ER) - I don't watch the show anymore, but I loved these two, and they were given one of the best endings of any TV couple, I think, as they tend to get screwed up in the end (see, David and Maddie, Monica and Chandler, etc.).

- Monica and Chandler - again, the early years. An unlikely romance, and the beginning of their romantic relationship just sparkled.

- Wes and Lilah - is there anything hotter?


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