Oh, LJ

Oct 25, 2012 19:50

Regarding the entry I just reposted regarding possible changes to our Friends pages? This, if it happens, may be the thing that FINALLY gets me to switch over to Dreamwidth. Ugh.

computer angst, oh lj

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Comments 24

_jems_ October 26 2012, 07:48:28 UTC

You know, I wouldn't mind it if they were giving people the option to make some of these changes, but the way they're forcing it down the user's throats is what makes me throw my hands up in defeat. I honestly think that the reason why fandom presence on LJ has gone down so radically isn't only new sites, but that people can't trust this site to be what they need it to be.



cindergal October 26 2012, 14:30:07 UTC
Exactly. The way they roll these things out with a, look what we've done for you! Without giving a crap whether users actually want these changes or not. Why even have the beta option if they don't listen to the feedback they're given? So frustrating.


empresspatti October 26 2012, 10:30:08 UTC
I haven't been paying any attention (big surprise) so I know nothing.

BUT - why does this matter? I need knowledge.....


cindergal October 26 2012, 14:26:18 UTC
If you look at the example in the repost I posted (awkward!), that's reportedly what your friends list will soon look like. You will have no choice in the matter. No choice of styles and formatting. No customization. You won't even be able to choose the font. And it's ugly. And it does that endless scrolling thing like Facebook does (rather than having pages of x number of posts like we do now). It's quite hard to read (IMO), and once again, we reportedly will have no choice in the matter, which is the worst part, but typical for LJ these days.


empresspatti October 26 2012, 16:49:11 UTC
It's never occurred to me to customize my LJ or my Friends page. I guess I'm paralyzed with not caring?

Then again -- I'm apparently the only person on the planet without a Facebook page.

OBV I'm too old to worry about it. Oh well -


cindergal October 26 2012, 19:32:13 UTC
Well, we're probably around the same age, and I obviously care a lot. ;-)


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cindergal October 26 2012, 14:26:50 UTC
It's not good, Maia. *hugs*


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cindergal October 26 2012, 16:11:43 UTC
They have not announced this in a public post yet, so I think the best place to leave feedback is the most recent public lj_releases post (where I've already left feedback about how much I hate the change to the cut tag. Sigh.) If you go to the last couple of pages you'll see that a lot of people already have.


chenanceou October 29 2012, 04:58:38 UTC


Why can't they just leave us alone?!


cindergal October 30 2012, 16:04:59 UTC
My thoughts exactly.


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