Title: Postcards
cindergalRating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Luke/Reid
Warnings: Some angst
Summary: Luke goes looking for Reid. Maybe he'll find himself.
Word Count: Not much
Disclaimer: Obviously, they don't belong to me. I would take much better care of them.
A/N: This will be a series of very short shorts, postcards that Luke writes (but obviously never sends) to Reid as he searches for more information about Reid's life.
The next few are more angsty. Sorry. Fair warning.
Dallas, TX
Dear Reid,
Today I went to the facility where you had stored all the stuff from your condo. I did not know they made TVs that big. Other than that you like big TVs, what did I learn about you? Not as much as I was hoping to, that's for sure. You had a thing for Julia Roberts (really?). You had eclectic musical taste - Nirvana, Beethoven, and Stevie Ray Vaughn, all in the same collection. But despite the big screen, no one could ever accuse you of being materialistic. I donated most of it to charity. I kept a few things - school yearbooks, your Harvard sweatshirt, a few CDs.
I don't know where else to go to look for you. I think now I have to look for me. But I know where I'm off to next.
Postcard 8