
May 24, 2010 15:48

In case you haven't heard, the Remix Redux 8: Magic Eight Ball archive opened yesterday.

It's on AO3 this year, and the best way to access stories is via the fandom tags page.

If you're unfamiliar with AO3, once you click on a fandom, you can then further filter by character, pairing, rating etc. It's very user friendly, so check it out.

This year, my Remus/Sirius story Resolutions was remixed as a sweet Sirius POV piece, Solemnly Swear (The Let It Snow Remix). And unlike last year, this year my remixee actually read the story I wrote! And commented on it and everything! This makes me very happy.

Remix is historically a low feedback ficathon, so if you do read and enjoy, please feed back the writers (even though we're all still anonymous for another week). I can tell you that it means a lot. And you don't have to have an account on AO3 to leave a comment.

I haven't had a chance to read anything other than my own story yet. I was away much of yesterday, and then had to stay away from the internet in the evening lest I be spoiled for the Lost finale (which I loved, but have no deep thoughts about right now).

I'll be back with some recs later, though!


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