Oh, Torchwood

Mar 20, 2008 20:07

The last two episodes really epitomize the Torchwood experience for me: Out of the Rain, which reminded me of why I am sometimes embarrassed to be a Torchwood fan, and Adrift, which ripped my heart into tiny little pieces and left me sobbing in a corner. In a good way. ;-)

I thought that Out of the Rain was a great idea, poorly executed. Some nicely creepy imagery, but a whole lot of exposition combined with a whole lot of WTF? The way Jack foiled the villains was not the logic of earth or any other planet. Which I could have overlooked if there was any emotional resonance, which there was not (for me.) Hence the reason why Ianto's One Perfect Tear just made me roll my eyes. I mean, I love Ianto more than is reasonable, really (just ask scarlettgirl), but come on. Also, perhaps the mermaid girl should have actually looked like a mermaid, but now I'm just being picky. ;-)

And then comes Adrift. Little things make a difference, people. That kid Jonah smiled at his mum's text message and teased her back, and less than thirty seconds into the episode and I was pulling for him. So much to love: Gwen and Tosh working together. Jack and Ianto "hunting Weevils." Ianto helping Gwen on the sly. Jack and Ianto hotness. Jack into a threesome (of course) and Ianto not really seeming to mind. Some great Gwen and Rhys moments. Some great Gwen and Jack moments. And of course, the heartbreak of Jonah and his mum, and the sobering thought that sometimes hope, even false hope, is better than painful reality.

I love this show. :-)

tv: torchwood

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