Will drabble for joy

Jan 10, 2008 08:38

Today is More Joy Day! It's the brainchild of sdwolfpup, who also made this joyous icon (and many more). And, I woke up to find a lovely cup of virtual hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows on my userinfo page, so thank you anonymous!

To spread the joy, I've decided to drabble to order. Request a drabble in a comment to this post, and I will do my best to write 100 words of whatever brings you joy.

I've decided to branch out a little, too. In addition to BtVS and AtS, fandoms I will (attempt to) write for include Supernatural (no Wincest, please), Harry Potter, and Doctor Who (new series only). So give me a time frame, character(s) or pairing, and/or a mood or situation and I'll see what I can do. :-)

ETA: I'm going to have to put a cap on this at five, since it's getting late in the day and I have a really busy Friday and weekend coming up. I'll try to get all of these done by tomorrow. :-)

more joy day

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