I liked this week's 24 better than most recent episodes. However, every time I watch House I ask myself - why are you watching this show again? The answer is always the same: that damn Hugh Laurie. :-)
I've been a bit disappointed with 24 this year, on the whole. I watched the first 5 seasons in the space of a few months, and was always amazed that I liked each succeeding season better than the previous one. So I had big expectations for season 6. And it started off great - our mythical hero Jack Bauer hasn't spoken in two freaking years. And he has sexy wounds! And the terrorists blew up a freaking nuclear bomb on US soil!
But since then it's been kind of downhill. There are things I like a lot - like Peter MacNicol as Tom Lennox. And the Logans, of course - but then Martha and Aaron Pierce were gone after only one episode, and we still don't know if Charles is dead or alive.
And lately everything just seems recycled from previous seasons. The writers seem determined to convince us that Milo and Nadia are the new Tony and Michelle. Um, no. No, no, a world of no. There has not been enough Chloe. And for several episodes, there has been shockingly little Jack Bauer!
But last night I came away with some hope that the rest of the season will improve (thank you, David Fury). The President's bluff was cool. The whole ruse with the fake terrorist cell was cooler. Jack trying to call Bill while clinging to the bottom of a moving truck was just classically outrageous. Hee! And we got to see Jack take out the real terrorist cell single handedly, often with his bare hands. Plus, Milo was creepy and stalkery, which is infinitely better than trying to make him Tony v2.0.
And Audrey is alive! But really, who didn't see that coming? DNA evidence? Please. But it does my shippery heart good. And it means that Kiefer Sutherland may finally get to act, rather than just say "copy that" and shoot people. And that is a good thing. I am cautiously optimistic. :-)
Oh Hugh, why do you make me watch this wacky show? :-) Now I expect craziness from a show like 24. And even, to some degree, House. However, the total disregard the writers have for how a hospital actually operates constantly amuses me. I'm not a doctor, and I don't play one on TV. But I have worked in a few hospitals, and I do know that interns do not usually do things like perform CT scans. They have actual trained technicians to do that (who are nowhere to be seen on this show). Interns also do not go into the lab and peer into the microscope - once again, have the writers never heard of lab technicians? And what was Wilson, an oncologist, doing filling in for House in the general medical clinic? Are they the only two attendings in the place?
And then there's Cuddy. Cuddy, oh Cuddy, what have they done to your characterization? Oh wait, there it is, hiding in your uterus! Because all women lose their minds (and ethics and judgment) when it comes to itty bitty babies (last week's episode). And a physician skilled and savvy enough to become the Dean of Medicine and the hospital's chief administrator is sure to fall victim to conversion syndrome (this week's). Yeah, her and the 'dumb' blonde.
Damn you, Hugh Laurie. Damn you. ;-)
And tonight I get to watch the American Idol results show. Who knows what levels of disappointment I may reach after that? :-)