It's not just election day...

Nov 07, 2006 15:39

it's We Love Lori Day! I know this because the sun is shining, OMG! (I will take this as a good omen on the election front as well). So I shall take a break from ark building and add my appreciation to the rest. I've always wanted to be you when I grow up (the fact that I may be older than you notwithstanding). I aspire to your wit and style and grace under pressure. Plus, you are always there with hugs and support, indulge me with fic, and introduce me to fabulous new wines. What's not to love? It was great meeting and spending time with you in Atlanta. I truly hope we can meet again, someday. ::hugs, hugs, hugs::

And back to the election - I have not actually voted, but I will, I will - I have been riding around with my mail-in ballot all day, because we ran out of stamps. We have mandatory vote by mail here, which is not nearly as fun as going to the polls and pushing all the levers - but is probably less confusing. And yet, still I procrastinate until the last day. It's not my fault - I couldn't figure out what the hell all those propositions were, let alone whether to vote for or against them. But I finally made a decision (the candidates being the easy part) and my ballot will be postmarked today, no worries.

And did I mention that the sun is shining? :-)

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