AtS/Firefly crossover drabble

Oct 03, 2005 08:28

Cross-posted to open_on_sunday, where the theme this week was "serenity." This is quite a literal interpretation.

Post-NFA, crossover with Firefly/Serenity(no real spoilers, though).

You'll have to imagine the echo-y announcer voice saying the title. ;-)

Vamps in Space )

fic: firefly, drabble, fic: ats, fic

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Comments 12

annapurna_2 October 5 2005, 03:17:40 UTC
Yay! Now there's a crossover I can really get behind! Hee.


rebcake November 5 2012, 07:42:07 UTC
I love this. A lot.


cindergal November 5 2012, 20:24:36 UTC
Oh, wow, thank you! A blast from the past! It was fun to write in Mal's voice, that's for sure. *g*


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