Mar 07, 2007 16:42
Got back from tenerrife last night, it was awesome! a really nice holiday, i think me and laura found a really good balance of going out and relaxing too, we werent out till the early hours every night which meant we could get up and actually see the sun. I am obviously just supposed to be pale and interesting because all i did was burn then go white again! SUCK!!
We had a few good late nights tho, she enjoyed her birthday night as far as i know, except we were in bed by 12.30 and were ill all the next day. Still it's got to be done on yer birthday!
Met some really nice people out there, pepe the waiter, deano and titch the compere's from the bars we kept going back too. and a really nice family staying in our hotel.
What else can i say, it was just awesome, if i had money i'd go back tomorrow!
i've proper got the blues i totally didnt want to get out of bed today. i only got up to watch ER at 2 and eat then went back to bed until now.
I think it's partly that i know i only have 2 weeks left at home, i know they are going to fly by and my nerves are coming back again. I want to see everyone, and sort out a million things before i go i just hope i manage it all.