Nov 20, 2003 21:59
So, today was the longest day ever! I actually woke up on time tho! :) 6:10, grabbeda shower, put effort in to my hair, straightened it, then look outside.. it's RAINING! haha.. oh well. So took the bus in to school, slept the whole way. Got to school slept through Psychology, the Prof pulled a muscle in her ass so she's in a wheel chair! HAHA! who does that? lol. Ate lunch, a pear, bag of sour cream and bacon chips, and a can of pop! So healthy!then i strolled of to my nursing class, there is this HALIROUS girl.. haha i love her, her name is Pamela! ;) and then i went to Bio where I actually stayed awake adn took notes AND understood.. it was a wonderful Bio class! it was about species ;) And how they evolve in to new ones .. quite interesting! anywyasssss the day carried on ..... more work, more school.. went to the Grawood for wings.. ate too much .. Now i feel yucky! bla..
The bus ride home was fun, trying to figure out what all the japenese people were saying, they were probaly talking about me :) lol..
And who sells friggen clemintines with seeds in them!!!!! takes all the fun outa them!!! grrr :P but theya re still SOOO good.. love Xmas season! sooo excited! it so EnJoYaBlE :) yay!!!!
.. well I'm out.. *xox*Ash