I've actually taken the time to e-mail both the California senators about these shenanigans (although I deeply suspect that if they aren't involved themselves, they're certainly already aware of it and doing nothing about it). However, if anyone on my flist isn't aware of this yet, please, please read this and keep the page open in your browsers: There is nothing more disturbing to me than loss of what little privacy there is on the internet. The idea of my ISP reporting every little thing I do back to the government makes my skin creep. If this passes--and I hope that the world hasn't become so controlled by corporate interests that it does--I will very likely disappear from the internet.
It's bad enough that they try to tell us what we can or can't do with our own bodies, who we can or can't marry, what we can carry onto a plane with us, but destroying the last vestige of privacy in a world where you're caught on camera every time you leave your house? That's just too far.