This morning has been odd. Very odd. In lots of ways. I think the strangest thing (aside from the dream, I'll get to that later) was the fact that, as mother and I were discussing the possibility of Starbucks without making her late for her piano final, we happened across...
Horses. In the road. Not... especially unusual, where we live. There were two of them, a paint (it looked to be of quarter horse/draft horse stock--heavily muscled with large hooves, but not bulky or furry enough to be a full-blooded draft horse) that was relatively young, and an old Morgan (unusual coincidence, but since this is a public journal I won't go into why) that was... well. His ribs were showing, we'll just put it that way. They must have come from the same pasture, so I can only assume that he was approaching the later part of his lifespan. ... Why yes, I do know just enough about horses to make myself sound like an idiot to anyone that knows more. Which would be just about everyone in this county, since I can't get near the damn things. Sneezing.
Tangent. The point is, not only did they not move out of the way of the car, but... the Morgan lowered his head and started advancing. Menacingly. Seriously, I thought this thing was going to jump up on the hood and put a hoof through the windshield if it got close enough. He actually made my mother back the car down the road. For those who have driven on it (Jen, I'm looking at you), you know exactly how scary that big hill with the house on top is going forward. Imagine backward. Yeah. For those that don't, imagine this: steep hill on one side, with a ditch that the word "gorge" could be applied to with only minor quibbling from grammarians. On the other... a continuation of that steep hill, which at this point goes pretty much straight down. EXCITING.
... needless to say we did actually get around the horses eventually, with me leaning towards the driver's side just in case one of them decided to take a kick at the passenger window while we passed.
I don't find insects or arachnids very frightening. Sometimes passingly cringe-inducing, depending on what sort of creepy-crawlie it happens to be. This morning's dream (nightmare?) involved... spiders, for some bizarre reason. Two of them, in fact. Now, as I just said, bugs don't bug me much.
However, there is something inherently disturbing about two spiders of indeterminate type suspended directly above my bed and each being about the size of my hand (which is about five inches from the tip of my middle finger to the base of my palm, for reference). Moreso when, on closer inspection, one turns out to have quills all over it's back (like a porcupine, I am not kidding) and two rather large, visible fangs.
I woke up at the point where my mother and I were chasing them around pulling incredibly large books off of my bookshelves to smash them with.
... and now to film editing! Huzzah! If someone is using my computer I am going to forcibly eject them from my seat. (But not really.)