Title: Living Legend
by Musedepandora (see:
Master List of Fanfics)
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to various persons and corporations that are not me or associated with me. This piece of fanfiction is written with the admiration and respect for the original work. I claim no ownership of Doctor Who's creations. No profit is made from this
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I loved all the in-references! Because honestly, everyone thinks that way and they're woven in in such a way that if you get it you sit and flail for a few minutes like a fool, and if you don't they're not so obtrusive that it's jarring.
The smut worked excellently. Honestly, you just opened a whole new can of worms, because now that we know you can do it this well, we'll be bugging you for it forever. But really you had just the perfect mixture of graphic vs descriptive vs feelings. I love smut so much - but sometimes if it gets too technical or uses euphimisms or terms I don't enjoy, it takes me out of the fic. As a writer I tend to write things much more descriptively rather than getting technical, but you blended both and it is perfect. I really really really really hope you write more. As in I hope there is a Word doc sitting open on your computer RIGHT. NOW. lol :)
Haha I forgot to go on and on about a lot of things, but oral sex is something that you so often see badly done in fics. So I had to highlight it!
I am just in love with the whole concept of him marking her to remind himself and her. And with his memory you'd just know he'd be able to recognize each mark, no matter how timey-wimey it gets and how long ago it was for him. IDK. I feel like you should write a whole fic about the entire concept. I also feel like I may inadvertantly borrow that idea for fics of my own. So apologies in advance.
I know just waht you mean - it's why I try to leave good feedback for authors I particularly love. I mean every review is loved, but it's so nice to hear exactly what resonated with the readers so you can know what to focus on in the future. We are all constantly learning, as writers, aren't we? I just love the handle you have on dialogue, and the syntax of your sentences is just... gah. I love it. It makes me need to read sentences two or three times - not because I didn't understand it but just because I want to appreciate the beauty of your words.
I'm fangirling. Sorry :)
And then what you said about my smut! You have no idea how happy that makes me that you feel I struck a good balance between technical, descriptive, and emotional. That's very important to me. And I definitely know what you mean when you say you've been thrown out of stories because of their use of a particular euphemism or term. That was something I really wanted to avoid in my own work. And what a wonderful compliment that you hope I write another adult piece soon. I do have one in the planning stage for owlsie but I don't know when I'll have that one written/posted (hopefully within the next couple months). My beta has also been bugging me to write her an adult Sherlock drug!fic, so it matters on whether she succeeds or not. And then I do have original material that I'm supposed to be working on.
And perhaps I will write a story that is more in-depth with the Doctor marking River in the hopes of using it as clues to himself regarding where they are with each other or half a dozen other elements to that I see driving him to that behavior. I will definitely add that to my prompt list. Thank you for showing interest in it. And no problem if you want to use that concept in your own stories. That's certainly the highest form of flattery, in my book.
I agree with you about the importance of feedback. I definitely try to be a good reviewer. Even if I just leave a little comment with my thoughts. If I read it, I try leave a comment (though there are times I fall beneath the ideal). It means so much to me when I receive that kind of feedback so I want to give that feeling to other writers too.
I am very happy that you appreciate my sentences like you said in your comment. That is just so lovely to hear. And thank you very much for your continued fangirling. It *always* puts a grin on my face.
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