Title: The Hazards of Time Travel (and Flirting with Strangers)
by Musedepandora (see:
Master List of Fanfics)
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to various persons and corporations that are not me or associated with me. This piece of fanfiction is written with the admiration and respect for the original work. I claim no ownership of Doctor Who's
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Essentially, how does Rory deal with the memory of River pseudo-kissing him in Timely Favours after he finds out she's his daughter at Demon's Run. I imagine he'd call her out on it. Maybe when under stress like in the middle of an adventure. Because he doesn't seem good at repressing things.
=D omg, TOO TRUE! He gets all "we have to talk about our feelings now!" at just the worst times! This sounds great. Would read.
It's possible that I could be related to someone I'm talking to and have NO IDEA. Thanks for slightly creeping me out, Promethia. ;)
It's what I'm here for ; )
Of course, I doubt that'd just much of my behavior. I can't tell whether that's saying something good about me or bad... Oh well.
Funny, that's exactly what I was thinking about Amy. She may think she's learned her lesson, but soon enough she's going to be right back flirting with strangers again. It's just who she is.
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