I've been procrastinating and delaying the posting of photos on the blog for Jakarta trip, simply because I'm lazy. But i've uploaded most of the pics into Facebook, so u can see them there. It's called the homestay at my Mum's best friend's crib, and it's akin to an "asrama putri" where we talked, laughed, danced and be merry nine days in all. Of course, the main reason we were at Jakarta was to settle some of the wedding preps but more like getting my mum her new HORR-dengs (curtains) and her JOCKS (cushion covers). Then we shopped, shopped and shopped like there was no tomorrow, and without realising the excess baggage we probably hafta teng-teng, i mean hand-carried on board. I left SIngapore with no sling bag whatsoever, just a passport in hand, and when I returned from Indo-land, I had 7kg of hand luggage on each arm! HAH!
My mum's best friend since the seventies rocked big time! she's the coolest despite her kecohness. I mean, she has 5 daughters, 2 married off and the 3 left were like my dayang-dayangs who helped to choose the kain and the colour combinations and what nots.
"kak Rai mau yang ini? warna ini? pakei furing? kalo yang ini ga bagus ka raiiii..."
and things like that.
honestly, as much as I can be very detailed, when faced with too many choices, i mean, really too many, I got lost and bengong and simply lost track of everything. Those Jakarta girls really truly helped. Thank you. They're a bunch of fun too!
I think no words can describe my gratitude to Tante Nur aka motherhowyoutoday and daughters for their efficiency, hospitality and warmth in hosting us.
I thought I had much to say, but i think I'll let a fraction of the photos to the speaking on my behalf eh.
Find more photos at my Facebook.