I'm just about done with Raya, so we went for a lil walk down town after a hearty dinner at a not so open house. took pics of a sculpture of an eight and a nine that soooo reminds us of the date next year! and headed down to vivo for clam 'showder' and rocky walnut at Earle's. sedaap!
Been a long time since I talked about my relationship on the virtual world, but I really dont wanna sound like any other minah who goes all dearie and love and sayangs...but I think Hassan deserves a special mention tonight, for his vast expanse of patience and accommodating characteristics. Saya is LOVE! =) tapi dia memang hassan fa hassin la!
heh. private joke.
tmr, last raya outing to one house. faqat! ana LEPPANG! haha! another private joke. have a wonderful Sunday!