Feb 08, 2006 22:28
what a day! today was very interesting haha...
first, i was bitch slapped hahaha! I was minding my own business, walking to class from the Union, and i heard someone running, so without looking behind me, i just moved to the side to let this person pass. Then, I feel someone grab my shoulder, pull me around and then this girl SLAPPED me! I was like WTF?!?! I had NOOOOO idea who this girl was, and she looked just as shocked as I did. All of a sudden she covered her face and was like "OMG i'm soooo sorry, you're not who i thought you were." I kinda just stood there thinking, "what the hell just happened?" and she kept apologizing and offered to buy me lunch. I just laughed, and walked to class shaking my head. The people around us thought some shit was about to go down. TALK ABOUT RANDOM! I swear to god, this would ONLY HAPPEN TO ME!!!! As ridiculous as it was, i think it's fucking HILARIOUS! I hope she found who she was looking for b/c she meant business with that shit! HAHAHAH
then, on the bus, this girl was wearing a shirt that said "my girlfriend is a mexican." I thought it was hilarious and I want all my friends to wear them in my honor! I mean we have enough lesbian tendencies anyway right?
THEN, PROJECT MOTHER FUCKING RUNWAY!!!! Santino PISSED ME OFF, and Jenna and I cried (ok, maybe it was just me who cried) and screamed and threw things b/c we were DEVASTATED that Nick was "OUT!" FUCK THAT SHIT HEIDI! FUCK IT! ...i'm sad
besides all this, today was okay i guess, i'm just a wee bit lonely...and i don't know the next time i'll be able to come home, b/c i am poor, and can't afford to take off anymore...COME VISIT ME!!!