Late-To-The-Party Reviews

Sep 17, 2007 12:59

I'm slowly trying to watch some of those movies-that-everyone-says-is-fabulous but-I-still-haven't-seen but-would-happily-watch-for-the-shallowest-reasons.

Last weekend's selection: Alpha Dog. I knew nothing about the story that inspired the movie, only that Justin Timberlake was in it (and looking delicious) and that it was supposed to be a good movie. It really was. The hotness of all the boys was nice (sue me, I have guilty pleasures too), but the story itself was humorous and devastating.

This weekend I finally got to see The Color Purple. I hadn't read the book but really wanted to see young-n-chubby-Oprah's performance of the work that inspired her to put so much effort and money into the Broadway show. Again, I was not disappointed. It's a classic for a reason, I guess. When Celie finally sees her sister and her chillrun again, I admit I was a hot mess.

Speaking of books, has anyone else read One Red Paperclip? It's my current bus fare (get it? fare?) and it's quite amusing. The book has only been out about a month; it's about a guy in Canada who revived a childhood game "Bigger and Better" and combined it with Craigslist to create the ultimate bartering challenge. He started with one red paperclip and wants to trade it for something bigger and better, and keep trading things until he gets a house. I'm only a third of the way through it, but the novelty (to me) of the idea holds my attention (and I'm not much of a reader anymore). Plus, the author's short, choppy sentence resonates with my own typical writing style so it's easier for me to immerse myself in the writing.

reviews, books, movies

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