Mar 04, 2005 10:55
Yes, I decided to go to work this morning. Well, I'll be out all next week for training, so I figured I might as well clean up my desk :) I'm tellin ya, once these damned HIPAA procedures are in place and we've transitioned to the new servers, I will be SO much more likely to enjoy my job again.
$2.09 a gallon this morning. WTF?
I stopped by the library yesterday on the way to dinner and picked up some audiobooks to listen to while I drive to Chicago next weekend. Candice Bushnell's Trading Up and David Sedaris' Holidays on Ice and Naked. I'll prolly end up finishing Trading Up by the time I leave next Friday, but that still leaves hours of David Sedaris.
I've been reading a few chapters of Angels and Demons every day. I'm determined to read more consistently this year.